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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/01/05
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
January 05, 2009

Present: Richard Leone Chairman, Stephen White Vice-Chairman, Emma Smith, William Roach, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.
Also Present: Van Webb Chairman of Conservation Commission, Tony Bergeron Road Agent, Nancy Kell, Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Scott Unsworth.
Not Present: Fred Gallup

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00PM

Public Comments: William Roach inquired if it was found out, who drove over the lawn on Burkehaven Hill about 1 week ago. Police took the complaint, but have not found who was responsible. Donna Nashawaty introduced Katie Richardson from the Intertown Record. The Board also needs to decide who will be on the Town Report cover, they will make decision at the next meeting. Richard Leone wanted to make sure the Board knew that long-time resident Norman Perkins passed away on Sunday, December 31st.

Van Webb,Conservation Commission Budget has been very standard, $3,150 which covers training, memberships and hired professional staff, Anita Blakeman, Town Forester. The Conservation Commission Fund is not a true Capital Reserve Fund, it is used to acquire funds to do conservation work, to buy conservation easements and to help out on projects that come up in town. The goal of the Conservation Commission is to ask for $50,000 each year to go towards the Conservation Commission Fund. That $50,000 is offset by the current use penalty of which the Conservation fund gets half of the amount collected. The Commission would like to grow the fund to $250,000. This amount can be justified with the way land prices are escalating, the fees to do these conservation easements are escalating and the potential number that will be to do in the next ten to fifteen years. After discussion about the amount in the warrant article, Stephen White made motion to accept changing the sum of Article 21 from $25,700 to $15,000. Seconded by William Roach. All in favor. Unanimous.

Tony Bergeron, Road Agent received an inquiry for reclassification of Class VI road to Class V road located at 749 North Road, owner Nancy Kell. Donna Nashawaty explained procedure that the Board of Selectmen can accept the layout of a class V over existing class VI pursuant to a petition received from Nancy Kell to do so under RSA 231:8. The standard layout procedures are followed. Nancy Kell would be responsible for the cost. Stephen White made motion to adopt the class V road standards set by Tony Bergeron, Road Agent for this instance, seconded by William Roach. All in favor, Unanimous. Emma Smith motion be made The Board of Selectmen intends to pursue a class V in accordance with 231:8 and instruct Donna Nashawaty to set the process in motion. Seconded by Stephen White. All in Favor. Unanimous. The Planning Board will be reviewing this property on Thursday and Emma Smith will let the Planning Board know of this motion.

The Dept. of Revenue has come out with assessment-sales ratio is 92.2%. Properties have come back into line. Norm will be letting the Board of Selectmen know further details.

Donna met with Mr. Pierce and his son Brad regarding the playground in his wife’s memory on Monday, December 29. The details of their donation are being worked out include showing where the playground will be located. Scott Blewitt asked for a Recreation warrant article to “are you in favor of a children playground being located at Ski Tow Hill.” Stephen White made motion to put an article on the warrant “are you in favor of a children playground being located at Ski Tow Hill.” Seconded by William Roach. Vote 3 in favor, 1 opposed.
Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 9:20PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith